We got to the ranch late yesterday at about 2:00. When we got there we went into Disco's corral and he walked over to us at the gait! Once we where in we started grooming him and he let us and stood perfectly still. When we got him haltered up and ready to go I put the long line on again just in case he where to pull out of my hands. We walked him over to the roundpen with no problems and got him in fine. Once we where in I took the halter off and gave it to my mom who was standing at the fence taking pictures, then let him walk around again for awhile. When everyone was ready I pointed and he took off at a lope, unlike the day before when he walked towards me. He was going good so i changed directions and he turned in great! So I made him go the other way. He did really good but he was worse on his right side today rather than his left. When we where good and ready I took a step in front of his drive line and turned around and walked away from him quickly. He still didn't follow me but he did give me two eyes, so i let him end with that. When he gave me two eyes I let him rest for a minute then started to zigzag up to him, he didn't try to walk away so when i got sorta close i stood still and reached out my hand towards him, it only took him a minute before he took a few steps towards me and let me rub on his face. After a few minutes of rubbing on him and letting him rest with me i walked over to my mom and got my halter from her. I zigzaged back up to Disco and rubbed him with the halter before putting it on. Once i had it on all of our exercises went by really fast! We didn't work on anything new yesterday just to make sure we where not asking for to much to soon. He did really good with the lessons so it was hard not to ask for more, but we had to remember that it was only day 2 and we where still in the teaching stage. it only took us about 1:30 to finish everything with him, unlike the day before that took hours for him to understand everything! You cant ask for to much to soon but you have to also remember not to quit to early. We put the long line back on to take him over to his corral since he was doing great. We got him out of the roundpen fine but when we got to the corral he would not go in, I ended up having to give him to my dad because it was not working out so good for us both to be holding him. we didn't want to pressure him to much cause we didn't want him getting away from us so after awhile I had to halter my other horse Texas (who is now 6 years old) and lead him into Disco's pen. Disco followed Texas in like nothing was wrong. Then i took Texas back out and let him go. We went back in with Disco and started to groom him again, we also had to get 30-50 hairs with roots for his DNA test. He let us prick hairs out of him main and tail like he had been around people for all his life! we gave him some feed and he loved it! he started to smile and bob his head up and down. After that we finally found his itchy spot... right in the middle of his withers. When we scratched it he smiled, quivered, and started to rock all over the place! He did really good for only day 2!

Love, love, love your blog. Thanks so much, Love the pictures, love the text. I will love being able to keep up with you daily!!!!!