Today we got to the ranch around 2:00. When we got there I gave Disco a scoop of feed and started the day out mucking his pen. When my dad finished trimming my moms horse Starbuck we brought Disco out and let him graze with the other horse on the long line for awhile. We where doing everything around the trailer so we decided why not try loading him? Bad move... When we first started he took two steps in and was super calm so I backed him out and did it again, no problems. So I backed him out again and then tried to get him in more, didn't go so well... once I put more pressure on him he freaked out so I started working him around the trailer, again it didn't go so well... We have the trailer backed up pretty close to the arena, next to our deck, next to my cabin, and with lots on mesquite all around it. So as you could guess it didn't work out well... We quit him when he was getting close to going into the trailer but we figured that he was not ready for it and that we didn't have him in a very good situation. Clinton says to set yourself up for success and not for failure. So we didn't want to get to far ahead of ourselves and we went back and reviewed everything we had worked on. (today was the first time he followed me in the roundpen and came all the way up to me!) We didn't work on ponying, lead by the feet, or laying down cause we didn't have time. He did great on doing all his review and I could even flex him with two fingers! I walked him around outside for awhile and went to meet our new neighbors then put him up and gave him another scoop of feed and two flakes of alfalfa for a hard days work! After we where done with Disco I rode Texas for awhile then rode him double with my dad around the ranch. Micah was also working his horse Lucky at liberty all over the place for the first time and Lucky did amazing! At the end of the day my brother taught Lucky how to lay down, Lucky can be very stubborn and hard headed but once he learns something he likes to please you. It took a REALLY long time for him to finally bow and it took him a few more times before he went down. Poor Lucky... He is the calmest, sweetest, coolest, hungriest, sleepiest horse you have ever seen and will do and thing to make you happy he really thinks he is human and will always stay with you even off halter! He finally did relax and went to sleep but he then didn't want to get up and it was already night and the other horses where waiting to eat until Lucky would come. We ended up sending the other horses to the feeder and that helped us to get Lucky up, once he was up we gave him a treat then took him to go eat. Today was by far Discos best day yet and getting better all the time! One thing I know about my horses is that the sky is not the limit with what they can learn do!

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