Check below for a slideshow of our beach day! |
Sorry I have not been posting for a few days, its cause I have just been super tired when we get back from training Disco. Thursday we didn't get to the ranch until 6:30 because it ha been raining all day so we assumed it would be a mud pit. But that's no excuse for skipping a day so we went anyways. When we got there it had hardly rained at all! Just enough to keep the dust down and the arena was perfect for training! We started out with loading a couple times then haltered up Texas so my dad could work with him while I was doing stuff with Disco. We pretty much just did review and a lot of backing and circle driving! He s getting much better at the back up but still bends a little on his left side. I think he is going to have a really pretty back up cause he is already starting to dip his head and he picks up his feet really well! Friday we didn't start until late again but I did get a chance to start brushing out his tail. :) But I think its gonna take a bit longer than I thought it would to untangle all of that! We only worked on review and did some more tying up with him. I also figured out two snacks he likes, Sun chips and lemon drops. He tosses his head up and down sometimes when he eats them and he also finally figured out treats and completely loves them! Yesterday I woke up and my parents were gone so I asked my brother where they were and he said they went to pick up the horses! (only Texas, Lucky, and Disco) So they got here about a hour later with the horses and we didn't waste any time getting out of the house and into the truck. Soon we were there and we quickly jumped out of the truck and ran to the back of the trailer to get Disco out. (and the others) We opened up the trailer and I went in, grabbed Discos lead and walked him out. He wasn't to hesitant to get on the sand and pretty much jumped right out! Once he got out I had only been walking him around minute or two before he stuffed him nose in the sand and rolled. When he got back up I walked him around and just sorta let him sniff the place out, when ever he found something new he stopped, sniffed it, then picked it up, shook it around and threw it! He is a silly little guy and is a little like our horse Comanche who eats concrete, little Bible pages, used ear plugs, dirty baby wipes, and baby food off a spoon! He also sneaks into the feed room were we used to board our horses and open up the bags and tubs and stuff himself, not to mention one time he snuck into the show tack room one day and made a lot of people not so happy with him! :b (I think you can guess what happened to the tack...) So when we were done walking him around we took him up to the sand dunes and played around up there for awhile before taking him down to the waters edge. When we took him over to the water he was fine with it until a wave would come and he would completely freak out! We tried walking him back and forth along to waters edge for awhile until he would finally walk in the wet sand. Then we tried leading him into the water and just taking little baby steps until we got closer. But we again learned that being sneaky is no way to act around any horse, sure it might work but its gonna take a whole lot longer! So finally when we only had about an hour of daylight left we went up to the soft sand, worked him REALLY hard then quickly took him over to the water and let him rest. It only took him two times to figure t out and by he third time he was already swimming! Well we passed our goal of knee deep! We also worked Texas and Lucky while that was all going on and when we took a break to eat pizza :D When my dad first lunged Tex over too the water he about jumped in his lap! But it only took him that one pass to remember what it was. Lol! Two police officers also came up to us and looked at our horses, Texas made a new friend too :) he was licking one of the guys arms and scratching on him. Seams like every day is the best day yet with him!
Click on picure to view Disco Goes To The Beach Slideshow!!
"Heart attacks are free so give your horse one." - Clinton Anderson.
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