Yesterday was a rain day so only my parents went to the ranch to give Disco his feed while me and my brother stayed home and did school. Today we went to the ranch around 11:30 and started work as soon as my dad finished trimming his horse Comanche's hooves. When he was done we saddled up my horse Texas to get ready for ponying. This was Texas' first time actually doing the neck reining lesson, he did really good when I was warming him up all around. So we brought Disco in the roundpen and I started yielding his hindquarters from Texas' back, ummm... are we doing something wrong? he did perfect on both sides with the hindquarters! But with every right thing comes a wrong, when I started moving his front end over to yield it but he would not get up close to me so I had to get my stick out also. after doing that he started getting better but it didn't help any that Texas was not cooperating at all! I know it was not his fault and that he was just confused cause in yielding the forequarters you have to hold the lead and the reins in the same hand, so whenever Disco pulled even a little bit it would pull on Texas' rains and he wouldn't know what to do. We stuck with the lesson until we all understood it but we didn't play around with is any more after we where done, Disco was tired, Texas was frustrated, and I was just learning the lesson. So it was a first time for all 3 of us and considering that guess it was a success!

So we moved on to the Jeffrey's Method, it took a minute to find a starting point but when we did is went my super easy extra breezy! I could jump on him, lay on his back, rub all over him, and even slide off from behind him! So I let my brother have a turn, one thing Clinton says a lot in the Colt Starting series is that Mustangs and colts get very one person friendly like my brother, Micah, has been around Disco and desensitized him and stuff but he hasn't really moved his feet. So Disco didn't know what was going on and pinned his ears at him he tried a few more times cause my brother is awesome and doesn't give up when the going gets ruff but my dad finally had to step in and move his feet, forwards, backwards, left and right. When he was done I got back in with him and made a HUGE mistake! when I got on his back he pinned his ears, so I punched him and slid off quick, I didn't think that I was acting like I was attacking him so he would think that's what it was going to be like when I got on his back. Not to mention that if he wanted to he could have kicked me. After that was over and done with I had to start back from the beginning and do it all over again, didn't take long for him to understand it and me to do both sides.

Jeffrey's Method
When we where done we put Disco back in his corral and went to Four Stars drive through for a lunch break, YUM! we got back about a half hour later and took Disco to the arena. We found a big problem so we had to go back and fix it, so for the rest of the day we all took turns working him so he got used to a variety of people. Wish it took us as long to do that as it took you to read this! that was a really long at least 8 hour day and boy am I feeling it! But it was a fun and very accomplished day! Cant wait to get started in the morning! (if I wake up)

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